Fill in the Blanks

What is Fill in the Blanks?

Fill in the Blanks is a question type that offers a sentence or paragraph with one or more input fields. You can use this question type for questions that do not require a step-by-step approach.

Many learning tools provide a Fill in the Blanks question type, which is often unsuitable for math questions. For instance, students need a formula editor to construct mathematical expressions. In addition, the scoring functionality must recognize different notations of the same expression.

Live exercise: An example of a Fill in the Blanks question type.


Math input and selection input

Fill in the Blanks supports two types of input. A math input field accepts mathematical expressions that you can enter using the keyboard or the formula editor. A selection input field is a dropdown in which the student selects the correct option.

Live exercise: A Fill in the Blanks question type with math and selection input fields.

The formula editor offers the same functionality as in the Multistep question type, including the features that make entering math expressions fast and convenient.

Automatic evaluation

Fill in the Blanks uses the same math engine for evaluation as the Multistep question type. Equivalent expressions are recognized automatically, and personalized hints and error feedback are also automatically generated.

Flexible order of answers

Sometimes you can write answers in different input fields. In the question below, you can swap answers 2 and 3, and the answer will still be correct. This situation often happens in mathematics and is correctly handled by Algebrakit's Fill in the Blanks question type.

Live exercise: Input fields with indeterminate order.

General features

Like the other question types, Fill in the Blanks can run in assessment mode to prevent the student from seeing evaluation results, hints, or error feedback. This information is available during the review after the student submits the questions or tests.

Fill in the Blanks also supports random questions. The author can define random variables and use them in math expressions in the stem or the answer specifications.